Sometimes, i take my wife to a BINGO parlor (i'm only human no?) , and we usually ends up with an emptier pockets but still happy and thankful for that family day we always do (hey, the kids naman are in netopia )
But sometimes, a million to one , you will encounter an icon , just like any other soul who wants to hit the jackpot.
Waaaay back as i can recal, i really dig this woman, though always an antagonist, i really love her. Those tight fitting dress she used to wear and missile guided fronts that makes you think whats inside...those were the wonder years....
Though loosing the game, i set aside my hopefulness in winning and started to doodle her face in one of those bingo cards, "without my eyeglasses". I draw her as a youthful woman who graces thousands of times in our black and white radiowealth t.v. and mustered enough courage to go to her table and asked for her autograph ...
I introduced myself to her and asked the ultimate question.....c-can i have your autograph?
You can see that she is frail, her hands were trembling as she signs my illo .She was old and grey, but all i can see was the same woman in my younger years...iconic and a far cry from the stars of today, truly my angelina jolie.
May you have more birthdays to come my Bella Flores.